
碳道小编  · 2020-05-20 06:05 · 阅读量 · 2005

摘要:能源经济和金融分析研究所(IEEAF)4月22日发布消息称,日本国际协力银行(JBIC)行长前田忠行(Tadashi Maeda)表示,今后将拒绝新煤炭项目贷款申请。这是2020年4月里,第三家日本金融机构发出明确信号:远离世界上最脏的化石燃料。

图片说明:2019年10月NGO代表向JBIC递交停止投资海外煤电的建议书。来源:No Coal Japan

能源经济和金融分析研究所(IEEAF)4月22日发布消息称,日本国际协力银行(JBIC)行长前田忠行(Tadashi Maeda)表示,今后将拒绝新煤炭项目贷款申请。这是2020年4月里,第三家日本金融机构发出明确信号:远离世界上最脏的化石燃料。
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) will henceforth reject requests for loans for new coal projects, the bank’s head, Tadashi Maeda, was reported saying on Wednesday, making it the third Japanese financial institution to signal a shift away from the world’s dirtiest fossil fuel this month. JBIC是政府运营的公司,多年来向煤炭开发商提供了数十亿美元的贷款。前田忠行在接受日本商业杂志《钻石在线》(Diamond Online)采访时表示,该公司将不再接受新建燃煤电厂的贷款申请,原因是对煤炭投资的评估耗时太长,在作出贷款决定时,可能会将接受贷款项目国锁定到过时的能源技术上。The government-run firm, which has lent billions to coal developers over the years, will no longer accept loan applications for new coal-fired power stations, said the governor in an interview with Japanese business magazine Diamond Online, explaining that assessments of coal investments took too long, which could lock countries into energy technology that could be outdated by the time a decision was reached. 澳大利亚非政府组织Market Forces的执行董事朱利安•文森特(Julien Vincent)致力于推动亚洲银行弃煤,他表示,目前JBIC仅是发表了一份放弃煤炭的声明,弃煤还需要被纳入正式的政策中。相关政策出台的时间表尚不明确。For now, JBIC’s coal exit remains a mere statement, as it yet needs to be enshrined in a formal policy, said Julien Vincent, executive director of Australian non-governmental organisation Market Forces, which has been campaigning for Asian banks to ditch coal. It is still unclear when such a policy will be released. Market Forces的数据显示,作为世界上最大的支持煤电厂发展的政府资金补贴提供者之一,JBIC已经对近30座新建煤电厂发放了140亿美元的贷款,帮助从墨西哥到印度尼西亚新增至少37.7吉瓦的污染性煤电产能。One of the world’s top providers of subsidised government capital for coal power development, JBIC has handed out US$14 billion in loans for nearly 30 new coal power plants, helping add at least another 37.7 gigawatts of new polluting coal power capacity from Mexico to Indonesia, data by Market Forces shows。